Leading The Way

Archive for July 9th, 2009

I got up earlier than normal this morning so I could take my cats to the vet. The last of my babies (call me a crazy cat lady if you want to) to live with me. I haven’t been near a vet in a month when I was forced to have my 13 year old, very ill dog to sleep. Needless to say that wasn’t the most wonderful experience I’ve ever had. I cried and cried for days and claimed I would never love anything as much as I loved him. I’m only a month into my claim, but I feel that its a true claim. You can never replace something you love. Never.

I was fine most of the morning going through my normal routine, up, shower, dressed, ate, then it was time to find the cats. Indie, my calico was easy to find. She was still asleep in her favorite chair to sleep in. I assume its her favorite since she is always in it. Rogue, on the otherhand wasn’t as easy. I ended up giving up and waiting on the couch for her to appear, eventually she did. I got them rounded up and put in the carrier. They were whiny as I would be on hour 12 of no food and water, but I know it was more than that. It became even more clear it was more than that as we got in the car and headed down the road. The clawing started, followed by mile after mile of screaming and crying. (Yes, animals scream and cry).

I couldn’t stand the sound of them going wild with what I assume was fright in the backseat. Read More


July 2009